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1. Selection of Coins

Visit and choose the coin you wish to exchange (Send) on the top, and the coin you want to purchase (Receive) on the bottom. Click the Exchange button to initiate the process.

2. Destination Address Entry

Enter your E-mail and destination wallet address, where the exchanged currency will be transferred after the transaction. You'll also receive a unique transaction ID for reference. Review the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, agree to them, and ensure all entered data is accurate. Proceed to the next step by clicking "Next Step".

3. Transaction Initiation

Your transaction is now underway. You'll be provided with a wallet address to which you need to send the coin you wish to exchange. This address is reserved for your transaction for 12 hours. Ensure funds are sent within this time frame. After 12 hours, any received funds will be returned to the sender's address.

4. Exchange Process

Once we receive your coins, our service automatically executes the exchange on a cryptocurrency exchange using a market order. The exchanged funds are then instantly sent to the destination address specified in step 2.

5. Automatic Processing

All orders are processed automatically and exclusively on our service website.

6. Exchange Time

The average exchange time can vary between 20 to 120 minutes depending on the selected coin pair and network load.

7. Repeat Exchanges

If you wish to exchange the same or different coins again, you'll need to create a new exchange request. Avoid sending funds twice to the same address provided in a single application.

By following these steps, you can easily conduct cryptocurrency exchanges through the MultiSwap Exchange Service.